Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jet Skis in the Impact Area

When you shoot at the Nationals your bullets go through the target faces and out into a huge impact area in Lake Erie. It's marked in person and on charts and maps. We had four separate cease fires when folks fished, sailed or jet skiied into the impact area today. Hundreds of people, maybe a thousand, waiting idiot in a speedo and a pair of flip-flops. Sometimes cease fires can be called for eagles in the impact area or behind the targets. Range Control ignores Canadian Geese who fly and walk in to graze the rifle ranges. There was a flock of 40 or more that swaggered in to eat as we finished up Vintage Rifle. Last year one turned up dead, bill down in a low wet spot after squadded practice. His butt blew in the wind all week that year and nobody would wade out to give him a Christian burial.
Probably a heart attack.

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