Saturday, August 30, 2008


  That's what they are called in the Texas Legislature.  Congressmen who have to be walked around, stacked in the corner occasionally, who are useless blowhards or dullards but represent a district so they have to be endured.
  That's who Biden is.  One of those guys who doesn't listen unless he's talking.  He isn't hope and change.  He's 20 year old deadwood.
  So I like Palin a lot.  She took on her states US Senators- (an act which will get a common citizen on the FBI or NO-Fly list).  She didn't worry about them being fellow Republicans.  Young and Stevens are two Senators who are part of the PROBLEM , not the solution.   Gutsy woman.
  She's a competitor, not furniture like Biden.  Every dollar paid to Biden by the taxpayers was and is a waste.  You couldn't pay enough for what Palin does.
  Her lack of experience?  Well, she's DONE things with her time in office, unlike Obama, so there she gets another nod.
  Plus it looks like she gets the Gun thing.  
  I've been sending scathing notes to the Republicans when they ask for money.  Now I'm going to send a check.

Update:  Mark Steyn points out that instead of working some phoney-baloney job like "Community Organizer" Palen actually worked.

Update II: Friend and guru Alan points out sending money to Republicans may be different than sending money to McCain directly.  Good point.

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