Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Camp Perry, Where Men Come to Live Like Animals.

Was just off the range and 600 yard line. Pushed into a crowd outside Rock River Arms on Commercial Row for the sixth RR Hot Dog. Sweaty, grimy, tired, unshaven, sunburned, heavily armed men all standing around the condiment table squeezing mustard and relish on seared pork by-products.
Feels like REAL America.
Shot very well today but made a disasterous boneheaded mistake- put the windage on wrong at 300 rapid fire. Very interesting mistake. I'm already Distinguished, hoped for a good score I won't get, but my wind reading was pretty good and the zeros are holding up.
Presidents 100 I didn't shoot well, anywhere. Really rough. So, two expensive days shot to Hell, but I've had a hotdog and filched a couple of pens so I feel energized.

Nobody is shooting praticuarly well except 17 year old Katie Foster. She just shot a personal best 480 out of 500 to get her first LEG points toward a Distinguished badge. Good stuff!
Utley and I were tenth last year in the Hearst Doubles. We'll try again tomorrow. Maybe our apples will line up.
Nice guys on the firing point yesterday and today. Several thousand people here shooting. We had a virtual new guy today and Lance Dement- an Army Marksmanship Shooter was next point over. Lots of folks around with unbelievable experience and skills. Our new kid is going to the Marines this fall.
Lots of video interviews and footage coming. Haven't seen the kid but I would bet he hasn't used a molecule of sunblock. He's probably a little indian kid now. Might not recognize him.
After I got off the range I went and had triggers weighed on the K31, 1903, A3, and Garand. We'll be ready for Vintage Rifles.
Eagles. Canadian Geese walking around in front of the targets. Groundhogs. Was in the pits for the Presidents 100 with a fish biologist from Florida who is an amature birder. He knew his birds. We saw the swifts drive and owl out of the bushes behind Rodriegez Range.
Spending has slowed way down since we have bulked up on powder and supplies. Screw that Hazmat charge. Gas prices are dropping even up here. Sub 3.50 on the interstate.
Back to commercial row. Let me close by just saying: Guns, Guns, Guns, Guns, Guns.
Update: Last night Utley and Hess took Foster to zoom around on the go-kart track. Might send them out again tonight. Katie gets to pick tonights dinner site. Anything to keep Dick Curry from picking. Crows Nest is the place. We've never eaten there.
Katie's first LEG points. 10 points at the National Matches. Away from everyone over on Viale Range so none of her adopted unlces were "advising" her.


  1. Most excellent information dump. I saw where Rick and Glenn Edgard made the Prez 100 yesterday. Hope all are well and surviving the sun.

    For those who want to see the actual scores, the link is:

    Keep those posts coming.

  2. Hi Robert thanks for the details on how things are going. I've been following the scores for all the Texas shooters online when I'm at work.

    Great shooting by Katie to get her points, looks like she shot 198 at 600 very nicely done.

    Good luck to you all for the rest of the trip.
